Every child takes a different path to math excellence.
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Every child takes a different path to math excellence.
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The school system does not work well for every child. You want your child to deepen their understanding of the fundamental concepts, and work at the level that they are at, not the level that the curriculum dictates. It doesn’t take long for a few moments of struggle to build into a confidence challenge that convinces them they are “not a math kid”.
With the Mobius Method, every child works at the level that is exactly right for them. You want your child to build strength and confidence in the fundamentals before building on them. We’ve seen many, many kids who once believed they were “not math kids” excitedly show off the 100% they earned on their last math test.
Start building your child’s math confidence or schedule an evaluation to see if Mobius is right for them.
Teachers in the school system often lack the resources to focus on every child, and a kid who is doing “fine” in math can drift along, getting okay grades, but without learning much. They’ll quickly conclude that math is uninspiring, repetitive, and easy.
You want more for your child, and want them to build the creativity, and excellence that will set them up for success in high school and beyond. With the Mobius Method, they will gradually see increasingly tricky problems, explore new math concepts, and begin to move ahead of grade level as their talents allow.
Give your child a path to build their math passion, or schedule an evaluation to see if Mobius is right for them.
You’ve got a bright kid, and you’ve worked with them to explore math from an early age, but now they are bored in math at school. The classroom environment often does not offer a path for bright kids to thrive, and you’re worried that their boredom will lead to disengagement and misbehavior.
The Mobius Method lets each child work at their own level, with no arbitrary constraints. Younger children in grades 1-6 can thrive in Mobius by exploring new and interesting math concepts as they are ready for them. Older children in grades 7-9 can explore ahead of grade in our regular Challengers program, or, apply for our Challengers Elite program if they are interested in truly stretching themselves.
Let your child thrive in mathematics. Join Mobius today, or schedule an evaluation to see if Mobius, or the Challengers Elite program is right for them.